Our daycare qualified educators plan experiences which support the development of children’s skills in various areas of interest and are part of the Te Whariki framework. Our childcare programme puts children’s learning at the core through developmental observations, the children’s interests and parent conversations and feedback.
Learning for every child is at the pace defined by them to ensure each one reaches their full potential. We aim to support Pasifika and Maori children by embedding our values and curriculum documents Te Whāriki, Tapasā and Tātaiako to ensure cultural competencies are met.
Most importantly, we have a ton of fun learning!
A shared learning journey
We acknowledge that parents are the child’s first educators. Our service is an extension of the home environment. In order to maximise the benefits of our early childhood programme, we work with families to share the learning journey with children. Informal meetings, newsletters, portfolios, parent events, etc all form a part of this collaborative learning approach.
Te Whariki framework
Guided by Ministry of Education approved early learning framework, our developmentally appropriate learning programmes are based on the following principles:
- Empowering children to learn and grow
- Holistic child development
- Involving family, whanau and wider community
- Building responsive and reciprocal relationships
Programme aims
The aims listed below form the base for all experiences at our centre and educators work actively with the children and their families, every day, to ensure that these are being met.
- Protecting the health and wellbeing of the children
- Building a sense of Belonging so children form better connections
- Offering equitable learning opportunities with every child’s contribution valued
- Protecting and promoting the language and symbols of a child’s own culture
- Providing active exploration opportunities for an enriching learning environment